Toussaint Partners

Mission achievement hinges on collaborative partnerships with numerous organizations and individuals providing technical, scientific, and financial attributes. Research projects represent an ideal framework to identify environmental conservation platforms for greater study. Relationships have already been initiated with critical partners:
Toledo Zoo – Blanding’s Turtle Research →
Field survey for the population trends of this threatened species of turtle.
Winous Point Shooting Club – King Rail Banding →
This project involved trapping and radio marking King Rail birds in order to provide new knowledge for this state-endangered species.
Oak Harbor High School – Marine Biology →  XXXXXXXXXX
Hiram College – Biology Field Trip →  XXXXXXXX
Lake Ridge Academy – Center for Scientific Research → On a biotic level, students will identify the plant, animal, and protist populations found within the watershed.  On an abiotic level, students will examine the water quality and determine nutrient levels (nitrates and phosphates), as well as carbon dioxide and oxygen level at different locations throughout the watershed. In addition to conducting a survey of the organisms found within this ecosystem, students will brainstorm on research questions that may be addressed in order to establish a deeper understanding of the biological and chemical process at work in the watershed.
TRWC maintains important relationships with leading organizations dedicated to wetland preservation:
Ducks Unlimited, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Ottawa Soil  and Water Conservation District, Lake Erie Marsh Association, Winous Point Marsh Conservancy